Within 5 minutes, you can turn Windows 10 Laptop into Wi-Fi
Hotspot easily without using any software. This feature was supported by
operating system itself and user need to activate it to make Windows 10 laptop
into Wi-Fi hotspot. Actually there are few third party tools like Virtual
Router Plus, My WIFIRouter, Connectify etc but there are much needed to create
virtual hotspot using Laptop that runs with Windows 10 operating system.
Here are the commands you need to execute to make this
feature work. Make sure to run all the commands with Administrative rights.
1. netsh wlan show drivers - This command shows whether your
laptop supports this virtual hotspot feature or not.
2. netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid= key=
Here SSID means the name you would like to broadcast. This
could be anything. And the Key means the password. You can enter your desired
For example if you write (ssid= My WIFI) the name of your
Wi-Fi will be My WIFI. And if you write (key= Password) then the word password
will became your Wi-Fi password.
3. netsh wlan start hostednetwork
This particular command will start the created hosted
network in previous step with SSID as TechEmpty. You will get message stating
that the hosted network has been started.
Before moving to share the Wired or Wireless connection, let
us see the virtual hotspot properties by entering the third command in
4. netsh wlan show hostednetwork
From this command, you will get all the details with created
hosted network.
Now we need to share the Wired or Wireless connection. Open
Run then enter the "ncpa.cpl" (without quotes) to configure the
network settings. Please watch the video.
To sop the shared network enter this command
5. netsh wlan stop hostednetwork